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Afripay Finance

Afripay Finance was created as an innovative digital EMF microfinance Fintech business connecting African markets and currencies to the global network, offering corporate and private cross-border payments and invoice settlement services.

Taking advantage of foreign exchange restrictions hindering cross-border payments endemic to the African continent, especially the CFA West and Central Africa Region, Afripay is endowed with a wide and diversified client base yearning for practical, swift, and competitive services that free customers from local hurdles. Afripay's business concept eliminates any financial risk exposure as all transactions are carried out on a cash-in-first basis. Afripay's platform offers a **24% return on investment** for Liquidity Providers—a secure and profitable opportunity for partners.

Afripay Finance's state-of-the-art services are designed to simplify, speed up, and provide improved security, flexibility, and customer control when making cross-border payments and settlements. This is a huge step forward in enhancing national economies, their business sectors, and the well-being of the populations in Africa’s Sub-Saharan countries.